
Orthopedic Surgery | Foot and Ankle Orthopedics
Dr. Benjamin Stein is an orthopedic surgeon who has won many awards for his work. Dr. Stein was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. He pursued his undergraduate studies at The George Washington University and continued his studies at the GW School of Medicine where he obtained his M.D. with honors. Upon graduation he was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honors Society and received the Julius S. Neviaser award in Orthopaedic Surgery.
He completed his orthopaedic surgery residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD. There, he received world-class training in all areas of orthopaedics. During his residency he received several awards, including the Frank L. Coulson, Jr. Award for Clinical Excellence in his final year and was appointed the administrative chief resident, the most competitive honor for a resident. While at Johns Hopkins, he worked with Navy Football, as well as for Johns Hopkins Lacrosse and the Baltimore Orioles professional baseball team.
Dr. Stein elected to pursue further subspecialty training in Foot and Ankle surgery and was selected to attend the renowned fellowship program at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. For one year, he trained with the some of the top surgeons in the world for complex foot and ankle surgery.
Orthopedic Doctor Washington DC
Dr. Stein focuses on continuing to research, write, and publish in the field. He has written numerous articles and chapters for peer reviewed medical journals and textbooks. Dr. Stein is also an Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at The Johns Hopkins University and he continues to maintain an active role in both research and resident education.
Dr. Benjamin Stein practices in Washington, D.C., Chevy Chase, and Germantown, Maryland. His specialties include general orthopaedics with a focus on comprehensive management of sports-related and reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle. He is a skilled surgeon that uses minimally invasive surgical techniques. He hopes to provide patients with ease as they get through their injuries.
Dr. Stein is committed to his practice and continuing research in his field. When he is not at work, he is spending time with his family. He enjoys an active lifestyle, and that’s why he is so passionate about patient care. He likes to travel, be outside, and stay active. He and his wife are busy raising their two daughters in Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Stein understands how important a balanced life is. He understands that it makes him a better doctor for his patients.
Curriculum Vitae
Board Member, The Centers for Advanced Orthopaedics
Vice-Chairman, Orthopaedic Medicine & Surgery Subdivision
Academic Appointments
The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic SurgeryEducation and Training
Union Memorial Hospital, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Foot & Ankle Fellowship, 2013-2014 |
Baltimore, MD |
The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Orthopaedic Surgery Residency 2008-2013 |
Baltimore, MD |
The George Washington University School of Medicine Medical Doctorate, May 2008; Graduated with honors |
Washington, DC |
The George Washington University Bachelor of Arts, May 2003 | Washington, DC |
Honors and Awards
2016-19: Top Doctors | Washingtonian Magazine |
2013: Frank L. Coulson, Jr. Award for Clinical Excellence | Johns Hopkins University |
2012: Appointed as Administrative Chief Resident | Johns Hopkins University |
2009: General Surgery Intern of the Year Award | Johns Hopkins University |
2008: Julius S. Neviaser Award in Orthopaedic Surgery | GWU School of Medicine |
2007: Elected as Junior to Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society | GWU School of Medicine |
Stein BE, Schon LC. Pes planovalgus in adults – current concepts. Am Acad Ortho Surg. 2014, Instr Course Lect. 2015;64:441-50.
Stein BE, Srikumaran U, Tan EW, Freehill MT, Wilckens JH. Lower-extremity peripheral nerve blocks in the perioperative pain management of orthopaedic patients. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012;94(22):e167(1-3).
Stein BE,Ramji AF, Hassanzadeh H, Wohlgemut JM, Ain MC, Sponseller PD. Cannulated lag screw fixation of displaced lateral condyle fractures is associated with lower rates of open reduction and infection than pin fixation. J of Pediatric Orthopedics. 2015, Jul 17. [Epub ahead of print]
Stein BE, Hassanzadeh H, Jain A, Lemma MA, Cohen DB, Kebaish KM. Changing trends in cervical spine fusions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2014;39(15): 1178-82.
Stein BE, Stroh DA, Schon LC. Outcomes of acute Achilles tendon rupture repair with bone marrow aspirate concentrate augmentation. International Orthopaedics. Int Orthop. 2015 May;39(5):901-5.
Stein BE, Miller SD. Hallux varus and rigidus: A motion sparing salvage technique. Tech Foot & Ankle Surg. 2015; 14: 159-163.
Stein BE, Greenough WB, III, Mears SC. Management and prevention of recurrent clostridium difficile infection in patients after total joint arthroplasty: a review. GeriatrOrthop Surg Rehabil. 2012 Dec;3(4):157-63.
Srikumaran U, Stein BE, Tan EW, Freehill MT, Wilckens JH. Upper-extremity peripheral nerve blocks in the perioperative pain management of orthopaedic patients. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013;95(24):e197 (1-13).
Jain A, Stein BE, Skolasky RL, Jones LC, Hungerford MW. Total joint arthroplasty in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a United States experience from 1992 through 2005. J Arthroplasty. 2012;27(6):881-888.
Garzon-Muvdi J, Stein BE, Petersen SA, McFarland EG. Postoperative death associated with a reverse prosthesis: a case report and review of the literature. Am J Orthop (Belle Mead NJ). 2013;42(2):84-88.
Hassanzadeh H, Jain A, Stein BE, Tan E, Van Hoy M, Stewart N, Lemma M. Compliance with incentive spirometry use. Orthopedics. 2012;35(6):e927-931.
Elboghdady I, Hassanzadeh H, Stein BE, An HS. Controversies and potential risk of mesenchymal stem cells application. Seminars in Spine Surgery. 2015;Vol. 27. No. 2. WB Saunders.
Jakoi AM, Old AB, Stein BE, Stander EP, Rosenblatt J, Herman MJ. Influence of podiatry on orthopedic surgery at a level I trauma center. Orthopedics. 2014;37(6):e571-e575.
Puvanesarajah V, Jain A, Cancienne JM, Stein BE, Novicoff WM, Shimer AL, Shen F, Hassanzadeh H.BMP Use and the Risk of Revision Surgery After Long Posterolateral Fusions in the Elderly. Clin Spine Surg. 2017 Aug;30(7):E931-E93
Puvanesarajah V, Amin R, Qureshi R, Shafiq B, Stein BE, Hassanzadeh H, Yarboro S. Outcomes Following Surgical Management of Femoral Neck Fractures in Elderly Dialysis-Dependent Patients. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2018 [Accepted – In Press]
Hassanzadeh H, Jain A, Kebaish KM, Neubauer PR, Mesfin A, Stein BE, Ain MC. Prevalence of allograft contamination during intraoperative processing for spinal deformity correction surgery. Spine Deform. 2013; 1(5): 348-351.
Textbook Chapters
Stein BE, Schon LC. Pes planovalgus in adults – current concepts. Am Acad Ortho Surg. 2014, Instr Course Lect. 2015;64:441-50.
Stein BE, Miller AG. Foot and Ankle Anatomy and Biomechanics. Orthopaedic Knowledge Update. Am Acad Ortho Surg 2018.
Posters and Presentations
Stein BE. Adult Acquired Flatfoot Deformity: Current Concepts in Treatment. Grand Rounds Lecture 2016. Johns Hopkins University.
Stein BE. Total Ankle Arthroplasty versus Arthrodesis. Grand Rounds Lecture 2015. Johns Hopkins Sibley Memorial Hospital.
Stein BE. Total Ankle Arthroplasty versus Arthrodesis. Grand Rounds Lecture 2013. Johns Hopkins University.
Stein BE, Stroh DA, Schon LC. Excellent outcomes of acute achilles tendon repair supplemented with autologous concentrated bone marrow aspirate. Maryland Orthopaedic Association (MOA) Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. April 12, 2014. Poster Presentation.
Stein BE, Hassanzadeh H, Jain A, Lemma M, Cohen D, Skolasky R, Kebaish K. Cervical Spine Fusion in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A US Experience from 1992 to 2008. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon (AAOS) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. March 19-23, 2013. Podium Presentation.
Stein BE, Hassanzadeh H, Jain A, Lemma M, Cohen D, Skolasky R, Kebaish K. Cervical spine fusion in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a US experience from 1992 to 2008. North American Spine Society’s 27th Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, October 24-27, 2012. Podium Presentation.
Stein BE, Srikumaran U, Freehill MT, Wilckens JH. Peripheral nerve blocks in the perioperative pain management of orthopaedic patients. AAOS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 16-19, 2011. Scientific Exhibit. Selected for publication inJBJS.
Tan E, Stein BE, Oji DE, Myers SH, Miller SD, Guyton GP, Schon LC. Management of acute traumatic ankle fractures in the neuropathic patient – Recognizing the sweet to avoid the sour. AAOS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 11-15, 2014. Scientific Exhibit.
Tanaka MJ, Stein BE, Cosgarea AJ, Andrish JT, Fulkerson JP. Complications in MPFL reconstruction. AAOS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 16-19, 2011. Scientific Exhibit.
Jain A, Stein BE, Skolasky RL, Jones LC, Hungerford MW. Total joint arthroplasty in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a United States experience from 1992 through 2005. AAOS Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 16-19, 2011. Poster Presentation.
Hassanzadeh H, Jain A, Neubauer P, Mesfin A, Kebaish K, Stein BE, Ain M. Incidence of allograft contamination during intraoperative processing in patients with spinal deformity correction surgery. 18th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 13-16, 2011. E-Poster.
Hassanzadeh H, Jain A, Stein BE, Tan E, Van Hoy M, Stewart N, Lemma M. Compliance With Incentive Spirometry Use.The 28th Annual Meeting of the SOA, Big Island of Hawaii. July 20-23, 2011. Podium Presentation.
Hassanzadeh H, Stein BE, Neubauer P, Kebaish K, Jain A, Ain M. Correction of Scoliosis: A Comparison of Single versus Double-Rod Derotation Techniques in Saw-Bone Models. 18th International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 13-16, 2011. E-Poster.
Pollo FE, Stein BE, Komdeur P, Baum BS, Jackson RW. Femoral rollback is a myth. 49th annual meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, February 1-4 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana. Poster Presentation.
Ongoing Research
Stein BE, Guyton GP, Schon LC. Biomechanical comparison of Evans and Hintermann lateral column lengthening osteotomies in flatfoot reconstruction. Study and data collection completed; Manuscript Submitted to FAI.
Probasco W, Stein BE. Comparison of Complications for Total Ankle Arthroplasty and Ankle Arthrodesis. Data collection underway using Pearl Diver database.
Team Physician
2014-Currrent: Team Physician | Gallaudet University |
2012-2013: Team Physician | Baltimore Orioles |
2011-2012: Physician | Mt. Carmel High School Varsity Football |
2009-2010: Physician | Johns Hopkins University Varsity Sports Pre-Season Physicals |
2009-2010: Assistant Sideline Physician | Johns Hopkins University Varsity Men’s Lacrosse |
Licensing Exams
American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery; Board-Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon
Medical Licensure in Maryland and Washington, DC
Professional Memberships
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Member
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Member
American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, Member